“Revolution-How do we change our world?” An exploration of the process of change.

Watch the Entire Program: https://www.youtube.com/live/aNziHpV8p9M

Watch the Talk Only: https://youtu.be/GkdWZAheHjo

Musician Peter Williams is joined by guest soloist Abhaya Govindarajaporum.

Drawing from the songs of the Beatles, @rhonasegarra30 shares ideas about how we can change our world in an effective way. In week 1 of our 5 week series, we explore "Help", "Revolution", "Imagine", "Across the Universe", and  "Here Comes the Sun". 

The music of the Beatles is beloved, beautiful and brimming with wisdom. The songs of John, Paul, George and Ringo inspire us with ideas about how to add more calm, connection and contentment to life.

Each Sunday features one of the “Fab Four” in an inspirational lesson. The programs also includes live sing-along performances of Beatle songs. Talks are presented by Unity Minister Rev. Rhona Segarra. Music is performed live by the engaging and talented Peter Williams, whose love for the Beatles is equal to his joy when people join in singing the songs with him.