Prosperity Principles of the Ages is the focus of this message.
The Joy of the free flow of prosperity allows you to live an abundant life.
This talk is designed to enrich & weave PROSPERITY through the thread of your life.
Divine guidance through Spiritual Economics is an opportunity to explore the deeper place of abundance to transcend the human condition around your Prosperity Consciousness.
Overflowing Finances, Relationships & Health in all life areas are calling you to a higher and deeper place of being. Let's join together and Integrate your personal abundance recipe.
Eric Butterworth states in his book "SPIRITUAL ECONOMICS", “The word prosperity comes from the Latin root which literally translates: ‘according to hope' or ‘to go forward hopefully.' Thus it is not so much a condition in life as it is an attitude toward life.
Consider the often-asked question: “Is the glass half empty or half full?” How you answer can readily give you an idea of your prosperity consciousness."
Come join a community of like- minded individuals who see your highest prosperity potential. "Abundance is your true nature."